Incredible dad with a grenade joke
Incredible dad jokes in English. Incredible dad with a grenade joke. Text version of Incredible dad with a grenade joke. She: I heard there are some terrorists around the city.View More
Incredible dad jokes in English. Incredible dad with a grenade joke. Text version of Incredible dad with a grenade joke. She: I heard there are some terrorists around the city.View More
Incredible dad jokes in English. Age of incredible dad joke. Text version of Age of incredible dad joke. She: I have noticed that your father is not aging.He: Are youView More
Funny incredible dad jokes in English. Beautiful moon incredible dad joke. Text version of Beautiful moon incredible dad joke. She: How beautiful is the moon! But do you know weView More
Jokes in English. Describe me joke. Text version of Describe me joke. Girl: Describe me in one word.Boy: Mine!View More
Funny stupid jokes in English. Golden rings joke. Text version of Golden rings joke. Girl: The golden ring in my bag is yoursonly if you can tell me if thereView More
Riddles in English. Barbershop riddle. The man has no hair on his head still he regularly goes to the barbershop. Why? Please*** scroll*** down*** to*** view*** the*** Answer: Because heView More