Fat wife and her husband jokes
Earthquake at night joke
Text version of Earthquake at night joke
Wham! Pow! Smash!
Husband: Earthquake! Earthquake!
Wife: Why are you shouting like this? It is because I just fell from the bed.
Gaining weight joke
Text version of Gaining weight joke
Husband: You are gaining weight. You should do a little exercise.
Wife: I am only 33 kg.
Husband: How?
Wife: You always tell me I am as beautiful as the moon. I cannot be more than 33 kg on the moon.
Smaller hands joke
Text version of Smaller hands joke
Wife: My hands have become smaller doing the chores.
Husband: How do you know? Did you measure your hands?
Wife: Earlier my hands used to reach my toes but now after marriage they reach upto the knees only.